Inside the GenericProcessor

    <generic-processor processImages="true">
      <body-paragraphs-selector><![CDATA[div.contenuto > p]]></body-paragraphs-selector>
        <![CDATA[div.comment_head_left > small]]>
        <![CDATA[div.comment_head_left > h4]]>

The strong prerequisite here is understandig the CSS selctors without this know-how you can't develop any Processor

Selectors are strings required for locate original post's pieces of informations usefull to compose epub pages.

contents-selector : Selector indicating the post's content tipically without comments

title-selector : selector used inside contents-selector to select the post's title (stored in the epup under H1 tag)

sub-title-selector : optional selector used inside contents-selector to select the post's subtitle (stored in the epup under H3 tag)

meta-info-selector : selector used inside contents-selector to select the post's meta info like author, publishing date, ecc. (stored in the epup under H2 tag)

body-paragraphs-selector : selector used used inside contents-selector to collect ALL post body contents paragraphs. For each of them BERT create a P element and insert it into the output epub preserving inner html balanced tags

comment-selector : selector used to find comments, using it BERT take in hand ALL comments attached.

comment-selector : selector used used inside comment-author-selector to get the comment's author

comment-selector : selector used used inside comment-author-selector to get the comment's meta-info (publication time infos, ecc)

comment-selector : selector used used inside comment-author-selector to collect ALL single comment body contents paragraphs. For each of them BERT create a P element and insert it into the output epub preserving inner html balanced tags


Look HERE for a real world xml configuration with a lot of supported Blogs

<generic-processor processImages="true">
	<body-paragraphs-selector><![CDATA[div.contenuto >
	<comment-author-selector><![CDATA[div.comment_head_left >
	<comment-meta-info-selector><![CDATA[div.comment_head_left >

This is a generic-processor definition for a generic "BooksBlog" ( ) blog's post