
B.E.R.T. (Blog to Epub Ripping Tool) is a tool born for give the possibility to read blod's contents off-line using an Ebook-Reader. ePub is the standard eletronic publishing format for digital documents, BERT is able to process the blog posts' HTML, extract the contents and build with them an ePub file.

WoW! I like it, how can I use it?

Wait a moment! You need some infos before to start. The BERT's entry point is a xml configuration file, inside it are defined the Providers and for each one of them, the Processor

Take a look at the config file section it speaks better than my words.

Wow, wow, wow! Let me try!

Ok, ok, so:

  1. Download the last BERT version from here

  2. uncompres the archive in a direcotry

  3. change as you wish the default.xml located under conf subdirectory

  4. open a Linux terminal or a Windows console and reach the installation directory

  5. execute

    java -jar bert-*.jar
    (where "*" is the BERT version with, optionally, the string "bundled"). In this manner BERT process the default.xml file. If you want to process a differet you can call the program passing it's full or relative path as the unique argument, ex:
    java -jar bert-*.jar c:\foo\my.xml
    java -jar bert-*.jar conf/my.xml
    or again
    java -jar bert-*.jar /home/bazu/my.xml

  6. wait the process' end and enjoy your epub file located under out direcory

Cool, but, IMHO, BERT should do this, could do that...

Stop! This is not the right place to start discussions. This site will not be mantained very often. You can do your observations, report bugs and ask for help in the apposite Sourceforge space here in detail: For help and Processors implementation requests

and for bug tracking and improvement requests

Or, of course, writing to: blog2epub AT gmail DOT com